USP 797 IV Room Requirements

Understanding USP 797 IV Room Requirements for Safe Medication Compounding

In healthcare, medication compounding plays a critical role in patient care. However, the process of compounding injectable medications carries a certain degree of risk, which is why the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has set forth guidelines and standards for safe and effective compounding practices. One such standard is USP 797, which outlines the IV room requirements for compounding sterile preparations.

What is USP 797?

USP 797 is a set of guidelines for the compounding of sterile preparations, including injectable medications, in healthcare facilities. The purpose of USP 797 is to ensure that sterile preparations are prepared in a manner that minimizes the risk of contamination and infection to patients, healthcare workers, and others who may come in contact with these medications. The guidelines cover a variety of topics, including the design and operation of the compounding area, personnel training and qualifications, environmental monitoring, and testing and quality control.

IV Room Requirements under USP 797

One of the key requirements of USP 797 is that all sterile compounding must be performed in a designated cleanroom or IV room that meets specific standards for cleanliness and air quality. The IV room must be physically separate from other areas of the pharmacy or healthcare facility to minimize the risk of contamination. It must also be designed to facilitate proper air circulation and filtration, and to minimize the introduction of particulates and microorganisms.

Some of the specific USP 797 IV Room Requirements include:
  1. The IV room must have a minimum of ISO Class 7 air quality, which means that there are no more than 10,000 particles larger than 0.5 microns per cubic meter of air.
  2. The IV room must have a positive air pressure differential of at least 0.01 inch water column (WC) relative to adjacent areas to prevent the entry of contaminants.
  3. The IV room must have a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filtration system that can capture particles as small as 0.3 microns.
  4. The IV room must be constructed with smooth, non-porous surfaces that are easy to clean and disinfect.
  5. The IV room must have a sink for hand hygiene and cleaning equipment, with a touch-free faucet and disposable towels.
  6. The IV room must have appropriate storage areas for compounding equipment and supplies, with separate areas for sterile and non-sterile supplies.
Maintaining a Compliant IV Room

To ensure that the IV room remains compliant with USP 797 requirements, it is essential to establish a comprehensive quality control program. This program should include regular environmental monitoring and testing to verify the air quality and cleanliness of the IV room, as well as regular testing of compounded preparations to ensure their sterility and potency.

In addition to quality control measures, personnel training and education are also critical components of maintaining a compliant IV room. All personnel who work in the IV room must receive specialized training in aseptic technique and compounding procedures, as well as ongoing education to stay up-to-date with the latest guidelines and best practices.


USP 797 IV room requirements are essential to ensure the safety and efficacy of sterile medication compounding. By following these guidelines, healthcare facilities can minimize the risk of contamination and infection, protect the health of patients and healthcare workers, and maintain the highest standards of quality and safety in medication preparation.

Contact us today to discuss  usp 797 IV room requirements in detail.

4 thoughts on “Understanding USP 797 IV Room Requirements for Safe Medication Compounding”

  1. Does anyone know is 797 buffer room is allowed to be 70 degrees. We are dying in there and have a boss who is saying that 70 is a soft number meaning it’s okay. And she does not care that we are about to pass out in there with all the garb on etc. Thank you so much

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