Cleanroom installation

The Most Efficient Way of Cleanroom Installation and Building

Our Mobile Compounding Cleanrooms provide a quick and easy solution to get a complete clean room suite from design to cleanroom installation, built, installed, and commissioned.

Cleanroom installation:

The whole process from design to final delivery and install is a reasonably pain-free process. Our protocol puts all the design and engineering work out of the way. Even the architectural design is done months prior to the kickoff of the project. In that period of time, we can deliver a self-contained suite.

Usually, we’re looking somewhere in the vicinity of about five months from conception through certification in that general timeframe. The overall impact on the facility is greatly reduced. You don’t have problems with contractors inside that are disrupting your current operations. You don’t have all the associated delays that can occur with scheduling different contractors, verifiers, inspectors and equipment manufacturers. We’re responsible for 100 % of the facility. One additional nice little benefit to think about is that, if you’re planning a new facility in the future, but still want and need to get compliant now, let’s just say that you’re going to move your hospital, well, this can save you a million dollars. Because you can move this Mobile cleanroom and use it at the next facility.

We’ve also worked with networks that have a number of different places that may be going through upgrades. Our MCC did provide a great solution for that as it can be used as a temporary cleanroom facility in a number of different locations and we also provide the service of helping out with the relocation aspect of the equipment if necessary.

Let us know if this is something you’d like to discuss with our team. You can also check our MCC product page.

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