Custom Equipment

Aseptic Enclosures has a wide range of custom products available. We can often provide the engineering required included in the cost of the equipment. Modern technology enabled us to have much more control over the design process. Please contact one of our technical representatives to get a budgetary quotation generated.
Custom Equipment: Enclosures, Booths, Hoods, Isolators, Cleanroom equipment, Fan Filter Units, HEPA Air Handlers.
Much of the work we do at Aseptic Enclosures is of standard design, but there are many builds we have done for clients that are custom. Typically, customers expect custom equipment designs to be price prohibitive. However, we have a very efficient system of redesigning from our standard products base. We can provide approval drawings as part of the design review process. Typically, we will provide detailed 3D models for the conceptual designs to enable our clients to better visualize our solution to their requirement.

Additional airflow modeling can also be provided to assure desired characteristics are built into the product. Typical airflow modeling includes computational fluid dynamics. In this process, air-flows are evaluated in conjunction with design features of our custom equipment to analyze the laminar air flow of our designs. Unidirectional airflow is quite important in aseptic applications due to the cleaning effect of a sterile air shower vs. that of a turbulent flow design.
Call, email or chat to get more details.
How to Choose a Glovebox?
So, you’re trying to pick a glovebox, but you aren’t sure which one to choose. Many manufacturers will tell you that their equipment is the best, but why take their word for it when you can find out for yourself? Here are some of the most important aspects of a glovebox to consider when making your decision to ensure that you purchase what’s best for your pharmacy.
Of course the longer the warranty is the more peace of mind it brings to your purchase. It’s also good to know what is included in the warranty, so there are no surprises if you do have a problem.
Unidirectional airflow
As required by USP on page 21, all gloveboxes must maintain unidirectional (laminar) airflow in the main and transfer chambers.
Does the glovebox manufacturer guarantee to certify to USP regulations? Can you obtain documentation from the manufacturer that the glovebox will meet ISO Class 5 air quality requirements, as described on page 23 under Placement of Primary Engineering Controls?
Make sure that you are getting the most bang for your buck. Get pricing from each manufacturer for comparison.
Differential Pressure Monitor
As required by USP on page 24, the glovebox must monitor pressure among the main chamber, transfer chamber, and outside environment.
What features does the glovebox have to make it more comfortable to work in and easier to maintain? Pay close attention to the gloveport design. Does it accommodate a variety of body styles? Does the front panel allow for maximum visibility of the workspace?
Chemo Compounding Considerations
According to USP on page 14, a negative pressure glovebox (CACI) “optimally should be 100% vented to the outside air through HEPA filtration.” When negative pressure units use recirculated, or even partially recirculated, there is a risk of carry over contamination. During hazardous compounding fine particles, such as aerosol, can seep through the HEPA filter. If the air is recirculating then the particles can be recirculated back into the main working chamber which would would cross contaminate the next CSPs.
Optimally, you would want a chemo glovebox that has total exhaust to protect patients and personnel.
Under no circumstance should personnel ever prepare hazardous and nonhazardous CSPs in the same glovebox.
Setup and Training
Sometimes having one-on-one interaction with a certified glovebox technician is needed to teach your staff how to properly use the glovebox.
Sales Representatives
How knowledgeable and helpful are the people representing the company? It will likely be a good representation of how helpful and available the company will be after the purchase as well.
Technical Support
If there is a problem with your glovebox it’s good to know there is someone nearby that can fix the problem quickly.
Look at what comes standard with your glovebox purchase, and make sure that you will need everything. Otherwise, you’re paying for unnecessary devices which could possibly obstruct airflow and add to the decontamination process.
If you have a special need or request, how easily can your glovebox manufacturer implement that change for you?
Ambient Lighting
Where is the light mounted on the glovebox? What features does the glovebox have to allow for maximum visibility of the worksurface?
Ultimately, we, at Aseptic Enclosures, want you to choose the glovebox that is best for you and your pharmacy staff. Knowing how to compare glovebox manufacturers will make it much easier for you to choose the one that fits your needs best.
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