Sterile Techniques

Sterile Techniques and Role of Pharmacists and Technicians to Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections

Sterile techniques can be defined as a set of specific work practices and procedures performed under carefully controlled conditions with the goal of minimizing the introduction of contamination. USP Chapter <797> emphasizes the important role that compounding personnel play—especially through aseptic technique or how they use their hands—in preventing inadvertent contamination of CSPs during preparation.The […]

Sterile Techniques and Role of Pharmacists and Technicians to Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections Read More »

Sterile techniques can be defined as a set of specific work practices and procedures performed under carefully controlled conditions with the goal of minimizing the introduction of contamination. USP Chapter <797> emphasizes the important role that compounding personnel play—especially through aseptic technique or how they use their hands—in preventing inadvertent contamination of CSPs during preparation.The